In the three cases of More, Hobbes, and Hegel, we can establish that the thinker suppresses an essential element of reality in order to be able to construct an image of man, or society, or…
Tag: woke
Eric Voegelin on symbolical deicide
The underlying significance of the Diogenes symbolism [in Nietzsche’s aphorism 125 from Die fröhliche Wissenschaft] is now clear. The new Diogenes does seek God, but not the God who is dead: he seeks the new…
Eric Voegelin on Marx & the golem legend
The Hebrew word emeth means “truth.” If the first of its three consonants is crossed out (in Hebrew the initial sound of the word emeth is represented by a consonant), meth is left. Meth means…
Eric Voegelin on Marx & gnosis
Marx does not deny that “tangible experience” argues for the dependence of man. But reality must be destroyed — this is the great concern of gnosis. In its place steps the gnostic who produces the…
Eric Voegelin on totalitarianism
Society resists the therapeutic activity of science. Because not only the validity of the opinions is called into question but also the truth of the human attitudes expressed in the opinions, because the effort in…
Michael F. Brown on a self-identity conflict
The self-help writings of multiples [an autonym of people with multiple personality disorder (MPD)] echo contemporary debates about multiculturalism in curious ways. One self-identified multiple, for instance, encourages nonmultiples to treat different alters courteously when…
Попытки SJW и ихъ предшественниковъ_цъ закрѣпить отрицательную коннотацію за словами “сегрегація”, “дискриминація”, “репрессіи”, “колонизація”, “іерархія” и такъ далѣе, апеллирующія къ сконструированному опредѣленнымъ изводомъ неомарксистской (?) идеологіи историко-миѳологическому графу и, очевидно, призванныя съэкономить риторическую энергію, потребную…
Jodi Dean on validization of abductees’ claims through therapeutic culture
The turn to abduction has reformatted the UFO discourse. Truth claims previously made in scientific and legal languages are expressed in a familiar hegemonic therapeutic discourse. The language and practice of therapy, moreover, have given…
Read more of Jodi Dean on validization of abductees’ claims through therapeutic culture
О карго-соціологіи
Ниже разрозненные комментаріи къ статьѣ соціолога Дениса Волкова “Почему россияне не спешат прививаться от ковида” – и прежде всего къ ея интеллектуальному milieu, насколько я его могу идентифицировать, въ качествѣ характернаго образчика котораго можно привести…
О Гретѣ Тунбергъ
Дошло до меня, о великій царь, что есть такой способъ гопъ-стопа: къ прохожему подваливаетъ мелкій шкетъ и начинаетъ его провоцировать. При малейшей враждебной реакціи изъ-за угла подходятъ крепкіе парни и, такъ сказать, заступаются за маленькаго,…