The Latin superstitio and its earlier Greek equivalent deisidaimonia both began their career as neutral or positive terms. Deisi could mean fear, but also “awe” or “respect,” and daimones could be gods, goddesses, semi-divinities, or…
Tag: traveling_light
Wouter Hanegraaff on the victory of science
[W]e enter a period in which Christianity slowly but surely loses its hegemonic position in intellectual discourse, while academic historians of philosophy abandon the currents and ideas associated with “Platonic Orientalism” as unworthy of serious…
Wouter Hanegraaff on religionism & eclectism
Due to their utter incompatibility with the findings of modern historical criticism, these two traditional perspectives [apologetic and anti-apologetic currents] were unable to keep up with scholarly progress in the study of ancient religions, and…
Wouter Hanegraaff on the Enlightment paradigm as the beginning of the eclipse of ‘Western esotericism’
The “Enlightenment paradigm” announced so clearly in [Christoph August] Heumann’s Acta Philosophorum was the beginning of the eclipse of “Western esotericism” in modern intellectual discourse. So far, the “pagan” philosophies associated with Platonic Orientalism had…
Wouter Hanegraaff on Pico della Mirandola & concealment
As Chaim Wirszubski remarks in his classic study [Pico della Mirandola’s Encounter. – GF], Pico set out to prove the Christian truth by means of Jewish kabbalah, but “as thesis after thesis yields up its…
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И восковой въ гробу забудется рука
Это постъ отъ 16 декабря 2013 года изъ моего предыдущаго блога; запощенъ с несущественными измѣненіями. Чтобы развѣять тоску, я читаю время отъ времени creepy urban legends – исторіи наподобіе бытовыхъ страшилокъ, которыя, если искать параллели…
Вильфредъ Біон – Клокъ шерсти съ паршивой овцы
Bion, Wilfred R. (1994-12-31). Clinical Seminars and Other Works. Karnac Books. Kindle EditionMaking the best of a bad job 1979 When two personalities meet, an emotional storm is created. If they make sufficient contact to be…
Вильфредъ Біонъ – Фрагменты изъ “Размышленій” (5)
Bion, W.R., Cogitations. Edited by Francesca Bion. London: Karnac Books (1992), pp. 154-6 The fate of the heliocentric theory First I must draw attention to the uncertain fate of various ideas often well expressed and established…
Read more of Вильфредъ Біонъ – Фрагменты изъ “Размышленій” (5)
Вильфредъ Біонъ – Фрагменты изъ “Размышленій” (3)
Bion, W.R., Cogitations. Edited by Francesca Bion. London: Karnac Books (1992), pp. 313-7 May 1970 As electromagnetic waves can be employed conceptually as a part of a theory embracing an enormous range of physical phenomena,…
Read more of Вильфредъ Біонъ – Фрагменты изъ “Размышленій” (3)
Вильфредъ Біонъ – Фрагменты изъ “Размышленій” (1)
Bion, W.R., Cogitations. Edited by Francesca Bion. London: Karnac Books (1992) [Undated] […] * * * I wish now to regard the Oedipus myth, the Sophoclean version of that myth, and Freud’s own discoveries as all…
Read more of Вильфредъ Біонъ – Фрагменты изъ “Размышленій” (1)