Wouter Hanegraaff on prisca theologia, philosophia perennis & pia philosophia

What we find, therefore, is a strong tension between two opposed tendencies: on the one hand, a historically/chronologically oriented narrative of ancient wisdom which held considerable revolutionary potential, and, on the other, an essentially conservative…

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Среди интереснѣйшихъ книгъ, прочитанныхъ въ этомъ году, были “Современное состояніе вопроса о реликтовыхъ гоминидахъ” Б.Ф. Поршнева и “Against the Modern World” Марка Седжвика. Соположеніе ихъ, такимъ образомъ, довольно случайно, но представляется мнѣ иллюстративнымъ. По критеріямъ…

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Объ академическомъ традиціонализмѣ

Закрадывается мысль, будто бы судьба ныне, кажется, совершенно увядшаго и маргинализировавшагося традиціонализма – и въ какой-то мѣрѣ и гуманитарнаго знанія въ цѣломъ – могла сложиться нѣсколько по-другому, если бы не убійство профессора Іоана Куліану въ…

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Glenn Magee: another summary

Like Moses (according to legend), Hegel is the recipient of Kabbalistic wisdom, only it is a Christian Kabbalah, and it is received not directly from God but from Böhme, Oetinger, and the tradition of speculative…

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Glenn Magee on Hegel and the equation of mysticism with rationality

Hegel’s attitude toward the Hermetic tradition was cautious, but cautiously approving. Hegel saw the Hermetic tradition as a manifestation of unconscious wisdom, of the perennial philosophy, struggling to transcend its purely sensuous form. This explains…

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Glenn Magee on Hermetic references in Hegel’s writings

There are references throughout Hegel’s published and unpublished writings to many of the leading figures and movements of the Hermetic tradition. These references are in large measure approving. This is particularly the case with Hegel’s…

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Mark Sedgwick on Halford Mackinder and Russian Eurasianism

Russian Eurasianism has various origins, the earliest of which is the work of the nineteenth-century philosopher Konstantin Nikolayevich Leontyev, who articulated ancient convictions of “Russian particularism.” It was found also in Russian émigré writers of…

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Маркъ Седжвикъ о Библіотекѣ имени Ленина

Although Traditionalism was of necessity limited to dissident circles until the era of Perestroika, there were already Russian Traditionalists in the 1960s. Traditionalism first entered the Soviet Union through the Lenin Library in Moscow, which,…

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