Этимъ вопросомъ задаются и консервативные конспирологи, и радикальныя феминистки, и штатные пропагандисты всевозможныхъ силъ, и поборники такъ называемой Critical Theory. Что ихъ въ этомъ объединяетъ? Участіе въ нѣкоемъ воображаемомъ судебномъ процессѣ?
Tag: suspicion
Wouter Hanegraaff on Pico della Mirandola & concealment
As Chaim Wirszubski remarks in his classic study [Pico della Mirandola’s Encounter. – GF], Pico set out to prove the Christian truth by means of Jewish kabbalah, but “as thesis after thesis yields up its…
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Stef Aupers on conspiracy theories as oppositional readings
The key assumption in audience research as proposed by Stuart Hall is then that there is no inherent (ideological) meaning in a media text since consumers read, decode, reconstruct and, ultimately, produce meaning in different…
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Timoty Melley on conspiracy & paranoia in American post-war narrative
Many notable writers of this [post-Kennedy] era embraced what Thomas Pynchon [Gravity’s rainbow (1973) New York: Viking, pp. 25, 638] called ‘creative paranoia’ and ‘operational paranoia’ as a reasonable form of social engagement in the…
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Ben Carver on conspiracy theories in nineteenth-century British writing
Luc Boltanski notices the contemporaneity, in the late nineteenth century, of detective fiction with the first instances of ‘paranoia’ as a psychiatric condition defined by Emil Kraepelin in 1899 and observes that ‘[t]he investigator in…
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Jan-Willem van Prooijen, Olivier Klein & Jasna Milošević Đorđević on System 1 & 2 thinking in the context of conspiracy theories
One important insight in the field of social cognition is that most beliefs that people hold about the world originate from System 1 [intuitive, emotional, and heuristic] thinking. For instance, Gilbert, Tafarodi and Malone (1993)…
Теоріи заговора и психоанализъ
Такъ какъ уличающій и девалидизирующій квазипсихоналитическій подходъ въ духѣ Р. Хофштадтера меня не вдохновляетъ своимъ апріорнымъ идеологическимъ зарядомъ и подозрительнымъ сходствомъ съ отыгрываніемъ (ср. также съ concepts butoirs), я задаюсь вопросомъ, каковы были бы болѣе…
Wolfram Eilenberger on Cassirer’s hermeneutics
Heidegger, too, struggled against this same complacency or, as he termed it, unconcernedness, in his 1922 essay “Phenomenological Interpretations of Aristotle.” Here, however, Heidegger spoke expressly of a necessary “destruction” of extant concepts, particularly in…
Ioan Culianu on the history of ideas
The originality of an era is not measured by the content of its ideological systems but rather by its “selective will,” that is, according to the interpretive grille it interposes between preexisting contents and their…
Mircea Eliade on the history of religions as another hermeneutics of suspicion
· C.-H. Rocquet · For you, not only does the history of religions transform the person who devotes himself to it in an inner, spiritual way, it can also give new life to the sacred in…
Read more of Mircea Eliade on the history of religions as another hermeneutics of suspicion