David V. Barrett on the origins and secrecy of speculative Freemasonry

Whatever its provenance, there is little doubt that Freemasonry was ‘born’ in Scotland rather than England. There were strong romantic links between Scotland, France, Freemasonry, pseudo-chivalry and the Jacobites […]. The creation of a London-based…

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David V. Barrett on speculative Freemasonry & Rosicrucians

It cannot be seriously doubted that that there was some form of causative link, direct or indirect, between the Rosicrucians and the early speculative Freemasons. Freemasonry appeared shortly after the Rosicrucians, who grow out of…

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David V. Barrett on Assassins (& Knights Templar)

Hasan-i-Sabbah was a Persian Twelver who converted to Ismailism and became an enthusiastic missionary for its cause, and a supporter of Nizar. In his youth he studied alongside the future tentmaker, astronomer and poet Omar…

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Макъ о Маскѣ

По мотивамъ википедіи: Джонъ Э. Макъ (John E. Mack) – психіатръ и писатель, извѣстный тѣмъ, что, будучи профессоромъ и главой кафедры психіатріи въ Гарвардѣ, изслѣдовалъ около 200 alleged случаевъ похищенія людей инопланетянами, подвергъ испытуемыхъ регрессивному…

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Glenn Magee on the invisible church

He [Sebastian Franck] makes a distinction between what he calls the church “visible” and “invisible”. The “invisible church” is constituted by the Holy Spirit, through the loving hearts of all men. This conception of the…

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Glenn Magee on certain counterparts

Some have suggested that that the Rosicrucians were intended as a Protestant counterpart to the Jesuits [Andrew Weeks, Boehme: An Intellectual Biography of the Seventeenth-Century Philosopher and Mystic; Albany: State University of New York Press,…

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