Like Moses (according to legend), Hegel is the recipient of Kabbalistic wisdom, only it is a Christian Kabbalah, and it is received not directly from God but from Böhme, Oetinger, and the tradition of speculative…
Tag: science
Glenn Magee on the Hermetic influences in the history of philosophy & science
I consider this work not only a continuation of the tradition of scholarship I have sketched out above but also as a contribution to an ongoing project in the history of ideas pioneered by such…
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Achille Mbembe on postfact world
Neoliberalism has created the conditions for a renewed convergence, and at times fusion, between the living human being and objects, artifacts, or the technologies that supplement or augment us and are in the process transfigured…
Achille Mbembe on doubt and microchips
The domain of objects and machines, as much as capital itself, is increasingly presented in the guise of an animistic religion. Everything is put into question up to and including the status of truth. Certainties…
Ioan Culianu on De vinculis in genere and The Prince
Bruno is the first to exploit the concept of magic to its ultimate conclusions, envisaging this “science” as an infallible psychological instrument for manipulating the masses as well as the individual human being. Awareness of…
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Ioan Culianu on magic (intro)
The magic that concerns us here is theoretically a science of the imaginary, which it explores through its own methods and seeks to manipulate at will. At its greatest degree of development, reached in the…
Эпистемологическій праведникъ въ эпистемологической Ниневіи
Непропорціонально-мощный эффектъ производитъ этотъ постъ подъ названіемъ “Ковид-пандемия: взгляд ковидоскептика” на Хабрѣ – не героизмомъ или геніальностью автора (нѣкоего A114n), а всего лишь тѣмъ, что тотъ составилъ послѣдовательную и связную хронологію событій, какъ онъ ее…
Read more of Эпистемологическій праведникъ въ эпистемологической Ниневіи
Jodi Dean on Carl Sagan
Fabricated through the process of colonizing terrains of truth previously held by religion, science in the West used claims of skepticism to distinguish its approach to the real. Some scientists today collapse the distinction between…
Jodi Dean on vigilant scientism
The result of the hearings was a recommendation for an independent scientific investigation of the Air Force’s work on Project Blue Book. After several universities (including Harvard, MIT, and Cal Tech) declined the project, the…
О карго-соціологіи
Ниже разрозненные комментаріи къ статьѣ соціолога Дениса Волкова “Почему россияне не спешат прививаться от ковида” – и прежде всего къ ея интеллектуальному milieu, насколько я его могу идентифицировать, въ качествѣ характернаго образчика котораго можно привести…