Wouter Hanegraaff on the victory of science

[W]e enter a period in which Christianity slowly but surely loses its hegemonic position in intellectual discourse, while academic historians of philosophy abandon the currents and ideas associated with “Platonic Orientalism” as unworthy of serious…

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[Объ экспедиціи Слика-Джонсона, геологахъ и инопланетянахъ]

[Это копія поста изъ телеги.] The details are murky, but it seems clear that at the very least a Western intelligence element existed alongside the search for the Yeti. The mixture of cloak-and-dagger spy work…

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Michael Barkun comes up with a categorization of the stigmatized-knowledge domain

By stigmatized knowledge I mean claims to truth that the claimants regard as verified despite the marginalization of those claims by the institutions that conventionally distinguish between knowledge and error — universities, communities of scientific…

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Д.Е. Галковскій: разное

Вообще, нужен опыт овладения национальной идеей. Она очень сильна и на неподготовленные натуры может воздействовать разрушительно (злоба и т.д.). Эта идея иррациональна и может подчинить себе разум, разрушить его до основания и включить в свою…

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Brian Martin on the public vaccination controversy in Australia

In Australia, defending against SLAPPs [Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation, a term coined by George Pring and Penelope Canan in SLAPPs: Getting Sued for Speaking Out (Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1996)] has to operate differently…

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Brian Martin on expertise & citizen science in public scientific controversies

To examine this issue, it’s useful to look at the role of expertise in public scientific controversies. Vaccination proponents sometimes say that in order to have any credibility, it’s necessary to have appropriate credentials and…

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