По мотивамъ википедіи: Джонъ Э. Макъ (John E. Mack) – психіатръ и писатель, извѣстный тѣмъ, что, будучи профессоромъ и главой кафедры психіатріи въ Гарвардѣ, изслѣдовалъ около 200 alleged случаевъ похищенія людей инопланетянами, подвергъ испытуемыхъ регрессивному…
Tag: occulture
Das Unheimliche
Любопытно было бы разработать основоположенія эстетики и риторики жуткаго, аппаратъ для формальной его поэтики и жанровую классификацію (включая, разумѣется, типологію модальностей и фигуративности), не сводящуюся къ этнографическимъ и интегративнымъ формамъ типа быличекъ или urban legends.…
Надменные потомки
Соблазнительно классифицировать оккультуру на проистекающую изъ неоплатонистскаго реализма и на опыты своего рода перфомативного номинализма – попытки производства деміургической оверлейной имманентизирующей истины.
Eric Voegelin on Phänomenologie des Geistes as a “masterpiece of rigorous magical speculation”
The nature of the order of being as it is given, together with man’s place in it, is obliterated: the being of world and ego is restricted to the knowledge of the immediate or existent;…
Eric Voegelin on symbolical deicide
The underlying significance of the Diogenes symbolism [in Nietzsche’s aphorism 125 from Die fröhliche Wissenschaft] is now clear. The new Diogenes does seek God, but not the God who is dead: he seeks the new…
Ellis Sandoz citing Eric Voegelin
A valuable subsequent statement came in a reported conversation in 1976 in which Voegelin replied to a question, in part as follows: I paid perhaps undue attention to gnosticism in the first book I published…
Glenn Magee on the Rosicrucians vs. the Freemasons & Illuminati
Some time in the latter half of the eighteenth century the Rosicrucian movement was revived in Germany. There is disagreement about exactly when it took place – some say 1757, some 1777, others give a…
Read more of Glenn Magee on the Rosicrucians vs. the Freemasons & Illuminati
Glenn Magee on Hegel’s views on magic
On the surface, it appears that all Hegel has in mind by “magic,” and by the “magic” of magnetism, is simply psychological control. As we have seen, he speaks about magnetism being made possible by…
Glenn Magee on Leibniz
G. W.F. Leibniz (1646—1716) also belongs squarely in the tradition of pansophia and encyclopedism. In his “Introduction to a Secret Encyclopedia” (Introductio ad Encyclopaediam arcanum, c. 1679), Leibniz’s description of “General Science” is strikingly pansophic:…
Glenn Magee on the philosopher as an automatic writer
Hegel believes that through the “purificatory initiation” of the Phenomenology, he has, in effect, put himself in an altered state of consciousness, beyond thhe distinction between subject and object, whereupon the dialectic of the Logic…
Read more of Glenn Magee on the philosopher as an automatic writer