– Authors of the Impossible: The Paranormal and the Sacred (2011) One of the most puzzling aspects of Spiritualism, and indeed of psychical and paranormal phenomena in general, is the confusing ways the seemingly genuine…
Tag: occulture
Земная жизнь кругомъ объята снами: пролегомены къ потустороннему и нарраціи
Какъ правило, люди спятъ съ закрытыми глазами, не видя окружающей обстановки; при этомъ въ фазу быстраго движенія глазъ они видятъ сны. Любопытно, въ какой мѣрѣ отнологическіе статусы, приписываемые взаимодѣйствіямъ съ невидимымъ міромъ, гомологичны культурнымъ преобразованіямъ…
Read more of Земная жизнь кругомъ объята снами: пролегомены къ потустороннему и нарраціи
Jeffrey Kripal on the science of religion
– Authors of the Impossible: The Paranormal and the Sacred (2011) The psychical rose into prominence at a particular moment in Western intellectual history, a moment when Darwinism, materialism, and agnosticism (a word newly coined…
Jeffrey Kripal (& Frederic Myers) on consciousness as light
– Authors of the Impossible: The Paranormal and the Sacred (2011) Perhaps all of this is clarified somewhat when Myers takes up his methodological metaphor of the spectrum and transforms it into an ontological suggestion.…
Read more of Jeffrey Kripal (& Frederic Myers) on consciousness as light
Jeffrey Kripal on telaesthesia
– Authors of the Impossible: The Paranormal and the Sacred (2011) After such literary studies, Myers suggests that, as far as such subliminal uprushes or impossible authorizations are intellectual, they also tend to be telaesthetic,…
Jeffrey Kripal on suspicion
– Authors of the Impossible: The Paranormal and the Sacred (2011) It is also important to note that the category of telepathy emerged from the data of dreams and mediums, and that it was originally…
Jeffrey Kripal on Stephen Braude
– Authors of the Impossible: The Paranormal and the Sacred (2011) Such philosophical streams have recently been revived and renewed by the analytic philosopher Stephen E. Braude, who as a graduate student and self-described arrogant…
Jeffrey Kripal on telecom
– Authors of the Impossible: The Paranormal and the Sacred (2011) It was out of thousands of stories like these that Myers coined the term telepathy in 1882, no doubt after the then cutting-edge technology…
Jeffrey Kripal on the occult
– Authors of the Impossible: The Paranormal and the Sacred (2011) Occultism, from the Latin occultus for “hidden” or “secret,” is a broad umbrella term that scholars use to discuss a wide variety of ideas,…
Ioan Culianu on Harold Bloom
– The Tree of Gnosis: Gnostic Mythology from Early Christianity to Modern Nihilism (1992) Yet, as Richard Smith perceptively noticed, Harold Bloom is today the only author of both essays and fiction who consciously identifies…