Kiril Avramov, Vasily Gatov and Ilya Yablokov, pledging devotion

While the 2016 U.S. presidential campaign was the first where digital technology played a significant role (and contestants had dedicated teams for this purpose), it was the very first major political event in which digitally…

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Andrew McKenzie-McHarg & Claus Oberhauser on the effect that the print culture had on conspiracy theories

In fact, a frequent claim prevalent in the scholarship identifies the eighteenth century as the century that gave birth to conspiracy theory, or conspiracism, in a form that is recognisable to us today [Wood, G.S.…

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Какъ россійскіе антропологи играютъ въ коронавирусъ

Удивительно, насколько плачевное состояніе служебной (“прогрессивной”) антропологіи изоморфно прочему извергающемуся черезъ популярныя и околонаучныя мотиваціи и оправданія политическихъ и административныхъ рѣшеній пандемійному отстою. Вотъ примѣръ – статья облеченной опредѣленными регаліями фольклористки и антропологини Маріи Гавриловой…

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О видео

Въ продолженіе темы цитированія (см. здесь и немножко здесь): распространеніе видео въ ущербъ текстамъ не только чинитъ помѣхи цитированію, но и, мягко говоря, затрудняетъ полнотекстовый поискъ; кромѣ того, видео болѣе требовательны къ ресурсу памяти при…

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Ioan Culianu on De vinculis in genere and The Prince

Bruno is the first to exploit the concept of magic to its ultimate conclusions, envisaging this “science” as an infallible psychological instrument for manipulating the masses as well as the individual human being. Awareness of…

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