The magic that concerns us here is theoretically a science of the imaginary, which it explores through its own methods and seeks to manipulate at will. At its greatest degree of development, reached in the…
Tag: intelligence
Mark Sedgwick on Isabelle Eberhardt
Aguéli was not the only Western Sufi of the early twentieth century, though he is the first Westerner known to have established a genuine branch of a Sufi order, however small, in Europe. Perhaps the…
Jodi Dean on Roswell & the CIA
Perhaps the Roswell anniversary occupies that site in the popular culture of American democracy that can’t be occupied by the anniversary of the CIA. Like Roswell, the Central Intelligence Agency pinpoints its origins to July…
Jodi Dean on 1947
Like the space program, the Internet has Cold War origins. Like the CIA, ufology considers 1947 an originary date. As the aliens came home – became personal – so did computers. – Aliens in America (1998), p.…
Гегемонія и потайной транскриптъ
Изъ Джеймса Скотта, Domination and the Arts of Resistance: Hidden Transcripts (1992): Понятіе hidden transcript: Every subordinate group creates, out of its ordeal, a “hidden transcript” that represents a critique of power spoken behind the…
Антропологъ какъ соглядатай
The project was also discussed with people in villages farther up the Koyukuk — Hughes, Allakaket, Alatna, and Bettles — and with the Eskimos of Anaktuvuk Pass. Another anthropologist would work there, while I would…
Совершенно секретно, передъ прочтеніемъ сжечь
Сейчасъ я склоняюсь къ опредѣленію оккультнаго какъ относящагося къ области суггестіи, управленія сознаніемъ, групповыхъ и индивидуальныхъ психологическихъ техникъ, политологіи, включая параполитологію, и прочаго властвованія надъ собой и окружающими. Если кажется, будто это вынимаетъ остріе изъ…
tokyo_vamp: the year is 1972, you’re receiving your MKULTRA programming, deep in a CIA warehouse, being dosed with high doses of LSD while being fed fascist activation phrases for possible assassination ops. you don’t realize…
Земная жизнь кругомъ объята снами: пролегомены къ потустороннему и нарраціи
Какъ правило, люди спятъ съ закрытыми глазами, не видя окружающей обстановки; при этомъ въ фазу быстраго движенія глазъ они видятъ сны. Любопытно, въ какой мѣрѣ отнологическіе статусы, приписываемые взаимодѣйствіямъ съ невидимымъ міромъ, гомологичны культурнымъ преобразованіямъ…
Read more of Земная жизнь кругомъ объята снами: пролегомены къ потустороннему и нарраціи
Прозрачность и подотчетность
Интересно, сдѣлаетъ ли – а можетъ быть, уже сдѣлала, а мнѣ пока не попадалось? – антропологическая / соціологическая мысль шагъ отъ критическаго изслѣдованія прозрачности (transparency) къ критическому изслѣдованію подотчетности (accountability), для начала на колоніальномъ матеріалѣ.…