Kiril Avramov, Vasily Gatov and Ilya Yablokov, pledging devotion

While the 2016 U.S. presidential campaign was the first where digital technology played a significant role (and contestants had dedicated teams for this purpose), it was the very first major political event in which digitally…

Read more of Kiril Avramov, Vasily Gatov and Ilya Yablokov, pledging devotion

Mikey Biddlestone, Aleksandra Cichocka, Iris Žeželj & Michat Biłewicz on conspiracy theories & intergroup relations

A nationwide representative study in Poland found that intergroup contact, as well as intergroup friendships, were significant predictors of attitudes toward Jews, but they were not significantly related to belief in the Jewish conspiracy [Winiewski,…

Read more of Mikey Biddlestone, Aleksandra Cichocka, Iris Žeželj & Michat Biłewicz on conspiracy theories & intergroup relations

Roland Imhoff & Pea Lamberty on conspiracy theories in terms of power & norm compliance

Importantly, these intra-individual correlations varied as a function of conspiracy mentality: The more people endorsed a conspiracy mentality, the stronger was their association of power with threat and the more they tended to see powerful…

Read more of Roland Imhoff & Pea Lamberty on conspiracy theories in terms of power & norm compliance

Todor Hristov, Andrew McKenzie-McHarg & Alejandro Romero-Reche on conspiracy theories, uncanny valley & competition

On the one hand, they [conspiracy theories] are an object of study like any other phenomenon that engages the attention of social scientists and scholars in the humanities. On the other hand, conspiracy theories us…

Read more of Todor Hristov, Andrew McKenzie-McHarg & Alejandro Romero-Reche on conspiracy theories, uncanny valley & competition

I saw a man who wasn’t there

Въ антропологіи теорій заговора популярно мнѣніе, будто лѣвыя конспирологіи гораздо менѣе распространены, чѣмъ правыя. Любопытно, такъ ли это. Содержательныхъ препятствій къ разработкѣ первыхъ, насколько я могу судить, нѣтъ. Нѣтъ и конфликта съ проектомъ имманентизаціи эсхатона:…

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