Glenn Magee: another summary

Like Moses (according to legend), Hegel is the recipient of Kabbalistic wisdom, only it is a Christian Kabbalah, and it is received not directly from God but from Böhme, Oetinger, and the tradition of speculative…

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Glenn Magee on Hegel and the equation of mysticism with rationality

Hegel’s attitude toward the Hermetic tradition was cautious, but cautiously approving. Hegel saw the Hermetic tradition as a manifestation of unconscious wisdom, of the perennial philosophy, struggling to transcend its purely sensuous form. This explains…

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Glenn Magee: more on complete speech & Hegel vs. propositional / predicative philosophy

Unlike “picture-thinking” – myth, art, etc. — Hegel’s speculation involves the use of concepts, ideas, or universals. Here, however, the dissimilarity ends, for although the matter of Hegel’s philosophy — its employment of concepts rather…

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Glenn Magee on the invisible church

He [Sebastian Franck] makes a distinction between what he calls the church “visible” and “invisible”. The “invisible church” is constituted by the Holy Spirit, through the loving hearts of all men. This conception of the…

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Glenn Magee on the divisions of Hegel’s philosophy

The final “Hermetic” period of Hegel’s life is his time in Berlin, from 1818 until his death on November 14, 1831. This is contrary to what one might expect. It might be assumed that Hegel’s…

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Glenn Magee on Hermetic references in Hegel’s writings

There are references throughout Hegel’s published and unpublished writings to many of the leading figures and movements of the Hermetic tradition. These references are in large measure approving. This is particularly the case with Hegel’s…

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Что опредѣляетъ герметизмъ по Гленну А. Маги

(по мотивамъ Hegel and the Hermetic Tradition (2001), сс. 8-9) По мнѣнію Эрнеста Ли Тувесона, герметизмъ располагается между пантеизмомъ и иудео-христіанской концепціей Бога. Послѣдняя подразумѣваетъ, что Бог трансцендентенъ по отношенію къ творенію, полностью самодостаточенъ, и…

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Glenn Magee on complete speech

Another parallel between Hermeticism and Hegel concerns the initiation process through which the intuitive portion of the intellect is trained to see the Reason inherent in the world. As Fowden notes, Hermetic initiation seems to…

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