Aristasia is the post-1980s name of a group which, in slightly different form, was earlier known as The Romantics and The Olympians. It was started in the English university city of Oxford in the late…
Tag: gender
Mark Sedgwick on Kathleen Raine and Prince Charles of Wales
One of the most successful European attempts to introduce Traditionalism to the general public was sponsored by the English poet and literary critic Kathleen Raine. While Raine was an undergraduate student at Cambridge in the…
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Mark Sedgwick on Isabelle Eberhardt
Aguéli was not the only Western Sufi of the early twentieth century, though he is the first Westerner known to have established a genuine branch of a Sufi order, however small, in Europe. Perhaps the…
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Стандартныя интеріоризаціи внутренней мизогиніи наподобіе “я всегда дружила съ мальчиками, съ дѣвочками мнѣ скучно”, “у меня мужской складъ ума” и “избѣгаю женскихъ коллективовъ, такъ какъ они сплошь серпентаріи” у феминистокъ по большей части вызываютъ грустную…