Среди сонма тревогъ, одолѣвающихъ прогрессивную общественность, возражающую примѣнительно къ Украинѣ противъ любыхъ колоніальныхъ проектовъ (это важно!), одна мнѣ кажется не то чтобы пустой, но и не слишкомъ благоразумной: что якобы украинцы насъ больше никогда не…
Tag: gender
Annika Thiem on conspiracy theories & gender
According to most quantitative studies, the stereotypical image of a conspiracy theorist as an ‘unwashed, middle-aged white male’ is wrong (Uscinski, Parent 2014: 73). Most studies in psychology and political science find no evidence that…
Roland Imhoff & Pea Lamberty on conspiracy theories in terms of power & norm compliance
Importantly, these intra-individual correlations varied as a function of conspiracy mentality: The more people endorsed a conspiracy mentality, the stronger was their association of power with threat and the more they tended to see powerful…
Read more of Roland Imhoff & Pea Lamberty on conspiracy theories in terms of power & norm compliance
Julien Giry & Pranvera Tika on what political science thinks of conspiracy theorists
Taking these investigations and concerns as a point of departure, it is now possible to present the main findings in this discipline. In brief, it appears that conspiracy theories are not a marginal phenomenon and…
Read more of Julien Giry & Pranvera Tika on what political science thinks of conspiracy theorists
It’s happening again
Что, если видовая дивергенція уже происходитъ, и не (только) на уровнѣ элитъ? Все, начинающееся либо перефразируемое съ “трансъ-” – трансгуманизмъ, трансгендерность, добываемыя при помощи психоактивныхъ веществъ и оккультныхъ, напримѣръ неоязыческихъ, практикъ трансовыя состоянія, видовая /…
Edwin A. Abbott on gender doublespeak
For the consequence is that, as things now are, we Males have to lead a kind of bi-lingual, and I may almost say bi-mental existence. With Women, we speak of “love,” “duty,” “right,” “wrong,” “pity,”…
О тріангуляціи
Важное различіе между положеніемъ малыхъ народовъ въ составѣ РФ и положеніемъ женщинъ при патріархатѣ заключается въ томъ, что гендерная оппозиція въ большинствѣ обществъ изначально практически бинарна: таким образом, женщинамъ не приходится разсчитывать на поддержку нѣкихъ…
О канселлингѣ
I. Вотъ его киклопическая совѣтская форма: блестящій, мірового значенія совѣтскій византинистъ Александръ Кажданъ вынужденъ былъ переѣхать въ США, гдѣ онъ и работалъ до конца жизни кѣмъ-то въ родѣ старшаго научнаго сотрудника въ Dumbarton Oaks и…
Glenn Magee (& Alexandre Kojève) on Begierde
By introducing “Self-Consciousness,” Hegel introduced the term Desire (Begierde) to describe the primal urge for the cancellation of otherness and the individuation-absolutization of subject.* – Hegel and the Hermetic Tradition (2001), p. 141-2 * Kojève…
Michael F. Brown on an unlikely alliance
Views such as [a licensed psycologist and pastor James] Friesen’s [author of Uncovering the Mystery of MPD, linking multiple-personality disorder to the workings of satanic cults], which one might be tempted to dismiss as those…