Looking back from the present day, we can even see Heidegger’s influence on the postwar German ecological movement. Wholeness, environmental consciousness, the critique of technology, contact with nature — even in 1919, all these were…
Tag: eco
Макъ о Маскѣ
По мотивамъ википедіи: Джонъ Э. Макъ (John E. Mack) – психіатръ и писатель, извѣстный тѣмъ, что, будучи профессоромъ и главой кафедры психіатріи въ Гарвардѣ, изслѣдовалъ около 200 alleged случаевъ похищенія людей инопланетянами, подвергъ испытуемыхъ регрессивному…
Achille Mbembe on zero world
The inevitability of destruction in the ancient regime of hunting and gathering has also been shown to operate in modern economic systems — it is a condition of the reproduction of social and biological life.…
Achille Mbembe on postfact world
Neoliberalism has created the conditions for a renewed convergence, and at times fusion, between the living human being and objects, artifacts, or the technologies that supplement or augment us and are in the process transfigured…
Achille Mbembe on doubt and microchips
The domain of objects and machines, as much as capital itself, is increasingly presented in the guise of an animistic religion. Everything is put into question up to and including the status of truth. Certainties…
Mark Sedgwick on Kathleen Raine and Prince Charles of Wales
One of the most successful European attempts to introduce Traditionalism to the general public was sponsored by the English poet and literary critic Kathleen Raine. While Raine was an undergraduate student at Cambridge in the…
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Mark Sedgwick on Traditionalism & the Green
Traditionalist anti-modernism is not what made Small Is Beautiful a success, however, nor even Gurdjieffian spirituality. What was most appreciated were the elements of the book that argued for conservation of natural resources – arguments…
Jodi Dean on interconnectedness
Moreover, [artist and ufologist Budd] Hopkins discovers an intricate “cosmic micro-management” that brings Linda together with two other people, people that she didn’t realize she knew, people with whom she had been abducted all her…
О Гретѣ Тунбергъ
Дошло до меня, о великій царь, что есть такой способъ гопъ-стопа: къ прохожему подваливаетъ мелкій шкетъ и начинаетъ его провоцировать. При малейшей враждебной реакціи изъ-за угла подходятъ крепкіе парни и, такъ сказать, заступаются за маленькаго,…