Mark Sedgwick on Halford Mackinder and Russian Eurasianism

Russian Eurasianism has various origins, the earliest of which is the work of the nineteenth-century philosopher Konstantin Nikolayevich Leontyev, who articulated ancient convictions of “Russian particularism.” It was found also in Russian émigré writers of…

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Маркъ Седжвикъ о Библіотекѣ имени Ленина

Although Traditionalism was of necessity limited to dissident circles until the era of Perestroika, there were already Russian Traditionalists in the 1960s. Traditionalism first entered the Soviet Union through the Lenin Library in Moscow, which,…

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О достоинствѣ

Стандартныя интеріоризаціи внутренней мизогиніи наподобіе “я всегда дружила съ мальчиками, съ дѣвочками мнѣ скучно”, “у меня мужской складъ ума” и “избѣгаю женскихъ коллективовъ, такъ какъ они сплошь серпентаріи” у феминистокъ по большей части вызываютъ грустную…

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Газовый свѣтъ

Затертое донельзя и расширенное до треска SJW понятіе газлайтинга неожиданно годно для описанія ситуаціи, въ которой оказываются “простые граждане” и власти РФ въ отношеніи антиколоніализма, феминизма, включая попытки рѣшить проблему домашняго насилія, борьбы съ бѣдностью,…

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Гегемонія и потайной транскриптъ

Изъ Джеймса Скотта, Domination and the Arts of Resistance: Hidden Transcripts (1992): Понятіе hidden transcript: Every subordinate group creates, out of its ordeal, a “hidden transcript” that represents a critique of power spoken behind the…

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Jeffrey Kripal (& Bertrand Méheust) on actual historical data

– Authors of the Impossible: The Paranormal and the Sacred (2011) In order to demonstrate his own point, Méheust invokes Alison Winter’s historical study of the effective use of magnetic anesthesia during surgical operations in…

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