Wouter Hanegraaff on Jacob Thomasius & Ehregott Daniel Colberg

As already noted, [Jacob] Thomasius was not just a critical historian of philosophy. First and foremost, he was a pious Lutheran who believed that the biblical revelation was the only reliable source of religious truth…

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Wouter Hanegraaff on the anti-apologetic foundations of the history of philosophy as a modern discipline

Like Savonarola, Gianfrancesco [Pico della Mirandola, Giovanni Pico della Mirandola’s nephew & follower of Savonarola] points to sacred scripture as the sole, exclusive and absolutely infallible source of true knowledge: the certainty given by absolute…

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Wouter Hanegraaff on George of Trebizond as a conspiracy theorist

One of the major humanists of quattrocento Italy, George [of Trebizond] was also a paranoid fanatic who believed in a conspiracy of platonists preparing the coming of the Antichrist. His Comparatio philosophorum Platonis et Aristotelis,…

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Wouter Hanegraaff on the historiographical foundations of the Western esotericism

Before moving on to the anti-apologetic reaction, it is important to provide a brief evaluation of what the preceding discussion contributes to the leading problematics of this book as a whole. I have been arguing…

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Wouter Hanegraaff on prisca theologia, philosophia perennis & pia philosophia

What we find, therefore, is a strong tension between two opposed tendencies: on the one hand, a historically/chronologically oriented narrative of ancient wisdom which held considerable revolutionary potential, and, on the other, an essentially conservative…

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Вильфредъ Біонъ – Фрагменты изъ “Размышленій” (1)

Bion, W.R., Cogitations. Edited by Francesca Bion. London: Karnac Books (1992) [Undated] […] * * * I wish now to regard the Oedipus myth, the Sophoclean version of that myth, and Freud’s own discoveries as all…

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Fail better

Насущныя составляющія конспирологическаго мышленiя – компилированіе и(ли) разработка нѣкихъ собственныхъ методическихъ указаній, которыя будутъ служить своего рода эрзацъ-картиной міра, съ одной стороны, и уменіе обнаруживать факты, имъ противурѣчащія, съ другой (см. также). Вотъ, къ примѣру,…

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