In addition to these activities, [Jean] Tourniac was involved in an ambitious Traditionalist project to restore good relations between Masonry and the Catholic Church. This project was principally the work of a Jesuit priest, Michel…
Tag: Ορθοδοξία
Mark Sedgwick on Isabelle Eberhardt
Aguéli was not the only Western Sufi of the early twentieth century, though he is the first Westerner known to have established a genuine branch of a Sufi order, however small, in Europe. Perhaps the…
Эпистемологическій праведникъ въ эпистемологической Ниневіи
Непропорціонально-мощный эффектъ производитъ этотъ постъ подъ названіемъ “Ковид-пандемия: взгляд ковидоскептика” на Хабрѣ – не героизмомъ или геніальностью автора (нѣкоего A114n), а всего лишь тѣмъ, что тотъ составилъ послѣдовательную и связную хронологію событій, какъ онъ ее…
Read more of Эпистемологическій праведникъ въ эпистемологической Ниневіи
Что опредѣляетъ герметизмъ по Гленну А. Маги
(по мотивамъ Hegel and the Hermetic Tradition (2001), сс. 8-9) По мнѣнію Эрнеста Ли Тувесона, герметизмъ располагается между пантеизмомъ и иудео-христіанской концепціей Бога. Послѣдняя подразумѣваетъ, что Бог трансцендентенъ по отношенію къ творенію, полностью самодостаточенъ, и…
Glenn Magee on complete speech
Another parallel between Hermeticism and Hegel concerns the initiation process through which the intuitive portion of the intellect is trained to see the Reason inherent in the world. As Fowden notes, Hermetic initiation seems to…
Ioan Culianu on nihilism
– The Tree of Gnosis: Gnostic Mythology from Early Christianity to Modern Nihilism (1992) If nihilism is the state that ensues from the “unbuilding” of transcendence and the attitude that pursues transcendence in order to…
Ioan Culianu on Cathars
– The Tree of Gnosis: Gnostic Mythology from Early Christianity to Modern Nihilism (1992) As far as reversed biblical exegesis is concerned, the two religions of the Cathars continue to activate new possibilities inherent in…
Ioan Culianu on Philo
– The Tree of Gnosis: Gnostic Mythology from Early Christianity to Modern Nihilism (1992) Philo’s influence on early Christian Logos theories was overwhelming. Did he influence gnostic mythology as well? From our perspective, the question…
Ioan Culianu on inverse exegesis
– The Tree of Gnosis: Gnostic Mythology from Early Christianity to Modern Nihilism (1992) If the starting point of gnostic myth is the exegesis of the Book of Genesis, it is not an innocent exegesis.…
Ioan Culianu on trees and games
– The Tree of Gnosis: Gnostic Mythology from Early Christianity to Modern Nihilism (1992) We see how, from a seed, Gnosis grows into a tree that starts to split into branches; some branches remain virtual,…