You can hear the girls declare

На что тратить излишекъ заработаннаго въ условіяхъ пуританской культуры? На роскошь (пропорціональную масштабу – отъ конфетъ до яхтъ) – очевидно, некрасиво и недушеполезно. Не зарабатывать лишняго – тоже не варіантъ: богатство понимается какъ благословеніе. Остается…

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Glenn Magee on the invisible church

He [Sebastian Franck] makes a distinction between what he calls the church “visible” and “invisible”. The “invisible church” is constituted by the Holy Spirit, through the loving hearts of all men. This conception of the…

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Glenn Magee on certain counterparts

Some have suggested that that the Rosicrucians were intended as a Protestant counterpart to the Jesuits [Andrew Weeks, Boehme: An Intellectual Biography of the Seventeenth-Century Philosopher and Mystic; Albany: State University of New York Press,…

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Glenn Magee on Luther and alchemy

During the sixteenth century, Lutheranism was a considerable impediment to the dissemination of Hermetic philosophy in Germany, but it spread widely nonetheless. Luther himself, although he rejected mystical “excesses,” incorporated vivid quasi-mystical imagery in his…

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