Pietism developed in a number of different directions, especially in England and Germany. Among the representatives of the movement, two in particular should be noted. Nikolaus Ludwig Graf von Zinzendorf (1700–60) founded the Pietist community…
Tag: Ορθοδοξία
David V. Barrett on soldiers and monks
Chivalry also meant that a knight should fix his thoughts on God, and be a holy man as well as a fighting man. Until the Knights Templar there was rarely any connection between the two;…
You can hear the girls declare
На что тратить излишекъ заработаннаго въ условіяхъ пуританской культуры? На роскошь (пропорціональную масштабу – отъ конфетъ до яхтъ) – очевидно, некрасиво и недушеполезно. Не зарабатывать лишняго – тоже не варіантъ: богатство понимается какъ благословеніе. Остается…
Eric Voegelin on uncertainty
In the three cases of More, Hobbes, and Hegel, we can establish that the thinker suppresses an essential element of reality in order to be able to construct an image of man, or society, or…
Eric Voegelin on the six characteristics of the gnostic attitude
More important for our purposes than definitions and questions of genesis are the features by which we can recognize gnostic movements as such. Let us list, therefore, the six characteristics that, taken together, reveal the…
Read more of Eric Voegelin on the six characteristics of the gnostic attitude
Eric Voegelin on Marx & the golem legend
The Hebrew word emeth means “truth.” If the first of its three consonants is crossed out (in Hebrew the initial sound of the word emeth is represented by a consonant), meth is left. Meth means…
Eric Voegelin on totalitarianism
Society resists the therapeutic activity of science. Because not only the validity of the opinions is called into question but also the truth of the human attitudes expressed in the opinions, because the effort in…
Glenn Magee on the invisible church
He [Sebastian Franck] makes a distinction between what he calls the church “visible” and “invisible”. The “invisible church” is constituted by the Holy Spirit, through the loving hearts of all men. This conception of the…
Glenn Magee on certain counterparts
Some have suggested that that the Rosicrucians were intended as a Protestant counterpart to the Jesuits [Andrew Weeks, Boehme: An Intellectual Biography of the Seventeenth-Century Philosopher and Mystic; Albany: State University of New York Press,…
Glenn Magee on Luther and alchemy
During the sixteenth century, Lutheranism was a considerable impediment to the dissemination of Hermetic philosophy in Germany, but it spread widely nonetheless. Luther himself, although he rejected mystical “excesses,” incorporated vivid quasi-mystical imagery in his…