Wouter Hanegraaff on the victory of science

[W]e enter a period in which Christianity slowly but surely loses its hegemonic position in intellectual discourse, while academic historians of philosophy abandon the currents and ideas associated with “Platonic Orientalism” as unworthy of serious…

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Wouter Hanegraaff on religionism & eclectism

Due to their utter incompatibility with the findings of modern historical criticism, these two traditional perspectives [apologetic and anti-apologetic currents] were unable to keep up with scholarly progress in the study of ancient religions, and…

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Wouter Hanegraaff on Jacob Thomasius & Ehregott Daniel Colberg

As already noted, [Jacob] Thomasius was not just a critical historian of philosophy. First and foremost, he was a pious Lutheran who believed that the biblical revelation was the only reliable source of religious truth…

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Wouter Hanegraaff on the anti-apologetic foundations of the history of philosophy as a modern discipline

Like Savonarola, Gianfrancesco [Pico della Mirandola, Giovanni Pico della Mirandola’s nephew & follower of Savonarola] points to sacred scripture as the sole, exclusive and absolutely infallible source of true knowledge: the certainty given by absolute…

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Wouter Hanegraaff on George of Trebizond as a conspiracy theorist

One of the major humanists of quattrocento Italy, George [of Trebizond] was also a paranoid fanatic who believed in a conspiracy of platonists preparing the coming of the Antichrist. His Comparatio philosophorum Platonis et Aristotelis,…

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Wouter Hanegraaff on the historiographical foundations of the Western esotericism

Before moving on to the anti-apologetic reaction, it is important to provide a brief evaluation of what the preceding discussion contributes to the leading problematics of this book as a whole. I have been arguing…

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