Julien Giry & Pranvera Tika on what political science thinks of conspiracy theorists

Taking these investigations and concerns as a point of departure, it is now possible to present the main findings in this discipline. In brief, it appears that conspiracy theories are not a marginal phenomenon and…

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Türkay Salim Nefes & Alejandro Romero-Reche on K. Popper’s ‘conspiracy theory of ignorance’

Popper’s influential contribution to the analysis of modern conspiracy culture is complemented by the lesser – known concept of the ‘conspiracy theory of ignorance’: The notion that our ignorance is deliberately caused by some conspiring…

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Andrew McKenzie-McHarg on (a)temporality of conspiracy theories

Bratich’s [Bratich, J.Z. (2008) Conspiracy panics: political rationality and popular culture, Albany: State University of New York Press] line of argument, implies that conspiracy theories, if they exist at all, only do so from the…

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Todor Hristov, Andrew McKenzie-McHarg & Alejandro Romero-Reche on conspiracy theories, uncanny valley & competition

On the one hand, they [conspiracy theories] are an object of study like any other phenomenon that engages the attention of social scientists and scholars in the humanities. On the other hand, conspiracy theories us…

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Michael Butter & Peter Knight cite G. Cubitt, M. Barkun, J.Z. Bratich & C. Birchall on conspiracy theories

According to historian Geoffrey Cubbit [‘Conspiracy Myths and Conspiracy Theories’, Journal of the Anthropological Society of Oxford, 1989, 20(1): 12-26], conspiracy theories are a way of making sense of current events and the grand sweep…

Read more of Michael Butter & Peter Knight cite G. Cubitt, M. Barkun, J.Z. Bratich & C. Birchall on conspiracy theories

It’s happening again

Что, если видовая дивергенція уже происходитъ, и не (только) на уровнѣ элитъ? Все, начинающееся либо перефразируемое съ “трансъ-” – трансгуманизмъ, трансгендерность, добываемыя при помощи психоактивныхъ веществъ и оккультныхъ, напримѣръ неоязыческихъ, практикъ трансовыя состоянія, видовая /…

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