– The Tree of Gnosis: Gnostic Mythology from Early Christianity to Modern Nihilism (1992) Without endless hesitations as to possible solutions, which form as many building bricks of gnostic myth, we would not have the…
Category: Florilegium
Ioan Culianu on the scholars of Gnosticism
– The Tree of Gnosis: Gnostic Mythology from Early Christianity to Modern Nihilism (1992) Not unlike XVIIth-century science, research on Gnosticism in the first half of our century (with the partial exception of Hans Jonas’s…
Ioan Culianu: from intro to The Tree of Gnosis
– The Tree of Gnosis: Gnostic Mythology from Early Christianity to Modern Nihilism (1992) Then what is gnostic mythology? Scholars of Gnosticism have a background in biblical philology and theology yet hardly know how anthropologists…
Журнальная статья о QAnon
Дмитрий Дробницкий – QAnon: оптимистическая конспирология американских правых: Пожалуй, самое удивительное в происходящем то, что, за исключением небольших населённых пунктов в глубинке, нигде не видно признаков организованного сопротивления так называемых “реднеков”, вооружённых своими конституционно легализованными…
Къ понятію “конспирологъ”
Актуальность понятія: какъ пишутъ Т. Сандерсъ и Г.Г. Вестъ (T. Sanders, H.G. West) во вступленіи къ прелюбопытному сборнику “Transparency and Conspiracy: Ethnographies of Suspicion in the New World Order” (2003), аннотируя статью Даніэля Геллингера (Daniel…
Susan Lepselter on the left/right neutrality
– The Resonance of Unseen Things: Poetics, Power, Captivity, and UFOs in the American Uncanny (2016) Many people in these overlapping communities arranged their political, social, and emotional affinities not around ideas of a “left”…
Claude Lévi-Strauss on written communication
– Tristes Tropiques (1989) My hypothesis, if correct, would oblige us to recognize the fact that the primary function of written communication is to facilitate slavery. The use of writing for disinterested purposes, and as…