Wouter Hanegraaff on the historiographical foundations of the Western esotericism

Before moving on to the anti-apologetic reaction, it is important to provide a brief evaluation of what the preceding discussion contributes to the leading problematics of this book as a whole. I have been arguing…

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Wouter Hanegraaff on prisca theologia, philosophia perennis & pia philosophia

What we find, therefore, is a strong tension between two opposed tendencies: on the one hand, a historically/chronologically oriented narrative of ancient wisdom which held considerable revolutionary potential, and, on the other, an essentially conservative…

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Д.Е. Галковскій (и Ф.М. Достоевскій) о всеслуженіи человѣчеству

Англичане помогали русскому народу освобождать польских братьев от царских сатрапов, ну так и мы поможем английскому пролетариату. Идея, между прочим, носилась в воздухе. Достоевский писал: “Вот что мне кажется: не сказалась ли в этом факте…

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Michael Barkun on miscellaneous conspiracy theories

He [conspiracy theorist Stan Deyo, author of The Cosmic Conspiracy (1978), “fus[ing] Illuminati theory with dispensational premillennialism and a variety of UFO speculation generally referred to as Alternative 3”, ibid., p. 57] enters new territory,…

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Michael Barkun comes up with a categorization of the stigmatized-knowledge domain

By stigmatized knowledge I mean claims to truth that the claimants regard as verified despite the marginalization of those claims by the institutions that conventionally distinguish between knowledge and error — universities, communities of scientific…

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