Heidegger, too, struggled against this same complacency or, as he termed it, unconcernedness, in his 1922 essay “Phenomenological Interpretations of Aristotle.” Here, however, Heidegger spoke expressly of a necessary “destruction” of extant concepts, particularly in…
Category: Florilegium
Wolfram Eilenberger on Heidegger’s idea of inversion
In the euphoria of early September 1919, the “transtemporal task” that Heidegger already saw outlined ahead of him — the art of “new seeing in principle” and pushing forward into a new “problem horizon” —…
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Wolfram Eilenberger on Heidegger & ecology
Looking back from the present day, we can even see Heidegger’s influence on the postwar German ecological movement. Wholeness, environmental consciousness, the critique of technology, contact with nature — even in 1919, all these were…
Макъ о Маскѣ
По мотивамъ википедіи: Джонъ Э. Макъ (John E. Mack) – психіатръ и писатель, извѣстный тѣмъ, что, будучи профессоромъ и главой кафедры психіатріи въ Гарвардѣ, изслѣдовалъ около 200 alleged случаевъ похищенія людей инопланетянами, подвергъ испытуемыхъ регрессивному…
Eric Voegelin on uncertainty
In the three cases of More, Hobbes, and Hegel, we can establish that the thinker suppresses an essential element of reality in order to be able to construct an image of man, or society, or…
Eric Voegelin on the six characteristics of the gnostic attitude
More important for our purposes than definitions and questions of genesis are the features by which we can recognize gnostic movements as such. Let us list, therefore, the six characteristics that, taken together, reveal the…
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Eric Voegelin on Comteian positivism
A brief outline of Comteian positivism may serve as a representative example of how mass and intellectual movements are connected. Positivism was an intellectual movement that began with Saint-Simon, with Comte and his friends, and…
Eric Voegelin on Phänomenologie des Geistes as a “masterpiece of rigorous magical speculation”
The nature of the order of being as it is given, together with man’s place in it, is obliterated: the being of world and ego is restricted to the knowledge of the immediate or existent;…
Eric Voegelin on symbolical deicide
The underlying significance of the Diogenes symbolism [in Nietzsche’s aphorism 125 from Die fröhliche Wissenschaft] is now clear. The new Diogenes does seek God, but not the God who is dead: he seeks the new…
Eric Voegelin on Marx & the golem legend
The Hebrew word emeth means “truth.” If the first of its three consonants is crossed out (in Hebrew the initial sound of the word emeth is represented by a consonant), meth is left. Meth means…