По мотивамъ википедіи: Джонъ Э. Макъ (John E. Mack) – психіатръ и писатель, извѣстный тѣмъ, что, будучи профессоромъ и главой кафедры психіатріи въ Гарвардѣ, изслѣдовалъ около 200 alleged случаевъ похищенія людей инопланетянами, подвергъ испытуемыхъ регрессивному гипнозу и по итогамъ этого сомнительнаго проекта опубликовалъ въ 1997 году довольно биливерскую и одновременно весьма профессіонально-пропагандистскую книжку подъ названіемъ Abduction: Human Encounters with Aliens (а также тѣмъ, что получилъ Пулитцеровскую премію за книгу о Т.Э. Лоренсѣ A Prince of Our Disorder въ 1977 году).
I have selected his case, the investigation of which has only just begun, to conclude the series, because I believe it offers a positive example among the possible human futures that lie before us. To a large degree it is our collective behaviors, as expressed through institutions, that impact the earth’s ecology most profoundly. Among these institutions, for-profit business corporations, which impact every part of the globe, are perhaps the most powerful agents of planetary destruction that human beings have created. On the other hand, corporations administered mindfully, with an enlightened awareness of their relationship to the earth’s environment, may help to arrest devastation and become one of the most important instruments available to us for restoring and preserving the health of the planet.
Arthur grew up with a passionate love of nature and spent a great deal of time in the woods and fishing in and around the family estate. For as long as he can remember he has had a special relationship to animals. Whereas his grandfather and greatgrandfather would shoot and stuff animals, Arthur, like a kind of contemporary St. Francis, says he would communicate with animals, including porcupines, skunks, woodchucks, rabbits, and birds. To illustrate this he told us a story that took place on his ex-wife’s farm. She had many rabbits on the farm and they trained the rabbits to be affectionate by lying down on the ground “with your chin on the floor”; at that height the rabbits would not be afraid of a human being. Then they would be “incredibly quiet,” and the rabbits would grow curious, come closer, and “let you scratch their heads.”
Rabbits, Arthur said, have a muscle behind their ears which they cannot reach to clean or massage but which gets tired. “So if you just put this finger between the ear and this one on the outside, and you go like this [demonstrates in the air the scratching/ rubbing movement] eventually they just get so trusting they put their chin on the ground and it’s a state of zuz, a way to describe this.” In this “euphoria,” Arthur said, the rabbits will lick your nose, and if you continue to “zuz” their heads they “just get totally zuzzed and it creates that bond.”
Arthur told this story in the first half hour of our time with him as a kind of analogy to illustrate how to communicate with alien beings. “The way you communicate with these beings is telepathically, but the only way that you can achieve that telepathy is by eliminating fear. That fear will block it. You won’t be able to communicate with them until you can get rid of the fear” and other “negative emotion … If you feel negatively, if it is fear or anger or destructiveness, or anything like that, they don’t communicate that way … They simply want to be communicated with by not being feared, and that is the kind of reason they have a difficulty with humans.”
The beings, Arthur believes, are trying to induce “that kind of euphoria.” Perhaps “the light does it,” but one way or another “they can induce that.” They “are speaking a different language,” but “if you react with fear, negatively, they just can’t. But if you don’t react with fear, you can communicate with them and the communication is in itself incredibly inspiring. I don’t know how to describe it, but I know, at least my family thinks that it has affected my life in the way that I treat society and my commitments to different causes and stuff.” Arthur can also “zuz” fish, he said. “I know how to zuz a trout out of a stream.”* Rabbits and other animals think “in as profound a way as we think” in their own way, he said. “You know it is beautiful in its own sense because it is so trusting, and there is a tremendous amount of love and trust and affection. It is just basic. There is a life energy there.”
Arthur has created many successful companies whose total worth he estimates to be in the tens of millions of dollars. Each one, he says, has funded specific philanthropies. For example, Arthur and his ex-wife put most of the profits from a snack food company they sold for fifteen million dollars into buying a piece of land for a migratory park and put the rest of the money into environmental awareness and similar programs. Currently he is working with several hundred U.S. corporations to license them to use special technologies under the condition they give their royalties to particular foundations.
“Anybody can set up a company and make millions of dollars,” Arthur said. The challenge is “to figure out how to employ that to a higher goal of affecting other people by having your company be a model, its products being models.” The results then are much more rewarding, he said. “People are motivated by more than just money,” Arthur observed. His ex-wife puts environmental messages on her packaging of various products and they receive thousands of appreciative letters from consumers. She tries to give handwritten answers to each one. But although this may be worthwhile, “it is selfish,” he says, “because you get more out of it than what you are putting into it.”
An article in a New England newspaper in March 1993 described in detail the creative business activities of Arthur and his ex-wife. The article told of imaginative recycling schemes, including a recycling program for the homeless, a new conversational packaging technology Arthur had conceived, and “little essays” about the environment on the packages. The article contained a quote from Arthur’s mother-in-law who calls him “indefatigable” and “the sort of individual you wind up begging to take your money and put it into his pocket.” In our most recent contact with him in August 1993 (he called to “check in” and ask when the next support group meeting would be) Arthur told Pam that he had licensed his new packaging technology to several major food store chains. He said he has “lots of projects that are in good shape,” including neighborhood gardens, a project for “more democratic capitalism,” and a “women’s discovery foundation” he is funding out of the profits from selling the new packaging technology.
Arthur believes that homelessness and environmental destruction are critical issues. To understand what it was like to be homeless, he lived on the street for a while as a homeless person. Ozone depletion and out-of-control population growth are to him two “primary” threats to the earth’s ecology. Out of his own pocket Arthur has been funding “trim tab” pieces of legislation that might constructively impact the environment “on a worldwide basis.” He also makes “a tremendous commitment of time dealing with politicians whom I am not crazy about” on these issues. He has worked tirelessly to put environmental and human rights considerations and standards into important international trade treaties and agreements as well.
[Далѣе излагается исторія о контактѣ съ инопланетянами, якобы произошедшемъ, когда Артуру было 9 лѣтъ. Вотъ фрагментъ:] Arthur and his sister were in the well in front of the backseat, and he reported seeing an object about “a hundred to a hundred and fifty feet” above the car. “It had lots of different lights, but I couldn’t tell you what colors any specific light was, it was just different colored lights.” The light “was coming in my mother’s window and my window,” and Arthur found it peculiar that the light came down to the ground but seemed to create no shadows. “All the air was lit up,” but Arthur knew the object he had seen “was the light source … It was the most incredible light. If there is such a thing as pure white. Totally pure, and it was everywhere.” The feeling in the light was “like swimming and being in water and having the water being phosphorus.” He saw different lights on the object, “like Christmas tree lights, but there weren’t bulbs.” He recalls specifically seeing red, white, and a “pinkish violet” color.
Arthur told a strange story of photographs that his greatgrandfather, who was one of the early photographers in this country, had taken of “elves and little people,” with chins “pointier” than humans’, set in rock formations. Arthur suggested that they were probably little clay models that his great-grandfather, who was a creative inventor, placed in these formations and then photographed. But what is less clear is the source of his ancestor’s inspiration for this activity. Perhaps, Arthur suggested, his own imagination had made some sort of connection with the little people he had seen in his great-grandfather’s photographs. In any event, the photographs left him with the impression that “I met little people.” Ted is also “just so convinced that these people exist. For him to agree to that is like getting Richard Nixon to do it.” Before beginning the regression Arthur reiterated his conviction that “there’s some message I’m supposed to get.”**
[Еще из предположительнаго опыта похищенія:] Then a “message” came to Arthur, “like they’re concerned” and “they don’t want to hurt me … They can tell I’m afraid,” and this communication “definitely helps” to calm him. Then (the source of the communication is not clear at this point) “they’re trying to tell me there’s a thread, like a spider thread, and that it’s between us, but it’s really fragile … ‘Don’t be afraid, or it will break the thread,'” he was told. I asked if this were a literal, physical thread or a metaphor for some sort of connection. Arthur could actually see a “light like a thread, a spider’s thread that’s lit” in the sky, surrounded by black. Then he reported seeing more than six “little lighted beings clustered all together” who were telling him not to be afraid and not to break the thread with his fear.
I asked Arthur to describe the beings. They looked “like an embryo,” he said, “just little gentle things.” They were “luminescent,” and semitransparent, with large heads and small bodies, “little skinny arms and little fingers. Maybe not five fingers.” In addition, he saw “little legs,” smooth faces with ” a little mouth, little noses” and “no hair … like babies, like embryos,” he said again. The eyes were all black and rounder than ours. The beings seemed to be “so close to each other they’re touching each other,” Arthur noticed. “They’ re discrete,” but “their arms are always touching each other … It’s like a bunch of rabbits. They huddle like rabbits.”
Arthur could not explain exactly how he got into the spacecraft – “there wasn’t any door or anything.” Once inside he found himself in a huge room with a wavy, irregular floor, surrounded by a ring of pink lights. He said the beings were chattering happily and were glad that he was not afraid. “They’re like, you know, old play friends … Their main thing is that they don’t want to hurt anybody.” I was a bit shocked when he said that the room was as big as Boston’s Fenway Park “upside down.” The beings went on “chattering,” communicating without voices or sound, giggling and touching each other, and seemed to want to play. Arthur felt them touch his face “very gently. It’s like you touch a rabbit … They touch like my shoulders and my face is what I remember, with their hands,” as if out of “curiosity,” and they move “all around.” There was also mind play, “like they throw fun things at your mind and you throw fun things back.” I asked for an example. “Well, like blobs of color at you,” Arthur said, “and just really pleasant feelings. Just a million different kinds of pleasant feelings … It’s the way you communicate with bunnies,” he repeated.***
The for-profit business corporation is one of the most powerful institutions for getting things done that human beings have invented. The impact of corporations is felt throughout the planet, affecting virtually every aspect of its life. Corporations can be agents of continuing ecological destruction or a potential source of benefit for human beings and the life of the earth. Arthur is a business leader of extraordinary vision. His life has become a model of corporate responsibility (Everett, M., Mack, J. E., and Oresick, R. 1993. Toward Greening in the Executive Suite. In Environmental Strategies for Industry: International Perspectives on Research Needs and Policy, edited by K. Fischer and J. Schot, 63-78. Washington, D.C.: Island Press.). On his own and in partnership with others he has committed his time, energy, and financial resources to preserving the earth’s environment. He has done so through activities which range from local recycling to political efforts at a national and international level aimed at making sure that the earth’s environment will be protected and sustained.
What seems remarkable is that Arthur and members of his family appear to believe that his social and environmental concerns and vision are intimately related to his childhood UFO abduction experience. He wonders “if I would have been a different person without it.” Certainly the information that came across to him so powerfully during the abduction experience, some he had recalled consciously and uncovered more fully during the hypnosis session, was completely consistent with the unusual life he has led.
Arthur reported that the alien beings communicated information to him about the danger facing the earth’s ecology, the need for open, loving communication, and the necessity of ridding ourselves of fear in order to most effectively address these concerns. This message was received so powerfully that it seemed to reach every cell in Arthur’s body. […]
pp. 365-81
Кое-кого мнѣ это все напоминаетъ.
* Cunning and art he did not lack
But aye her whistle would fetch him back.Yet, I shall go into a trout
Robert Graves – The Allansford Pursuit
With sorrow and sighing and mickle doubt,
And show thee many a crooked game
Ere that I be fetched hame,
— Trout, take heed of an otter lank
Will harry thee close from bank to bank,
For here come I in Our Lady’s name
All but for to fetch thee hame.
** Давидъ В. Барреттъ (David V. Barrett) указываетъ, что Society of the Inner Light (крупная британская эзотерическая организація, изначально Христіанская мистическая ложа Теософскаго Общества – и тутъ можно вспомнить, что теософія – одинъ изъ важныхъ первоисточниковъ миѳологіи контактовъ съ благожелательными инопланетянами; въ описанномъ же Макомъ кейсе можно видѣть любопытный миксъ съ конкурирующей миѳологемой Grays – зловѣщихъ похитителей людей) требуетъ, чтобы ея члены были:
Raised with experience in the British tradition; i.e. fairy tales, nursery rhymes, and folk stories; full knowledge of the legends and myths of our history i.e. heroes; Alfred, Arthur, Drake, Nelson, saints and sages; George, David, Patrick, Shakespeare, at al.; Power centres; Iona, Glastonbury, St. Albans, Canterbury and Washingham.
[The Society of the Inner Light: Work and Aims, p. 27; spelling and punctuation as in original.]
– A Brief History of Secret Societies (2007), p. 223