Fail better

Насущныя составляющія конспирологическаго мышленiя – компилированіе и(ли) разработка нѣкихъ собственныхъ методическихъ указаній, которыя будутъ служить своего рода эрзацъ-картиной міра, съ одной стороны, и уменіе обнаруживать факты, имъ противурѣчащія, съ другой (см. также).

Вотъ, къ примѣру, прелюбопытный:

Latin is to be taught at state schools across England in an effort to counter the subject’s reputation as one that is “elitist” and largely taught at private schools.
A £4m Department for Education (DfE) scheme will initially be rolled out across 40 schools as part of a four-year pilot programme for 11- to 16-year-olds starting in September 2022.
According to a British Council survey, Latin is taught at key stage three in less than 3% of state schools, compared with 49% of independent schools.

Vs. сіе.