Jeffrey Kripal (& Charles Fort) on ‘oneness of allness’

Authors of the Impossible: The Paranormal and the Sacred (2011)

But it is precisely that “though not absolutely” that haunts us here. For Fort also suggested that all of these quasi systems with their quasi standards and false senses of completeness are struggling within a “oneness of allness” or “Continuity”. There is thus—and he italicizes this— “an underlying oneness in all confusions”. By means of the inclusion of ever greater swaths of data, human thought is developing for Fort, and this toward what he called “the gossip of angels,” that “final utterance” that “would include all things.” This final utterance, however, must paradoxically be “unutterable” in our “quasi-existence, where to think is to include but also to exclude, or be not final”. Thus to think at all is “to localize” for Fort, to mistake the part for the Whole. But, like the self-described metaphysician that he was, he sought to think into infinity, to universalize, even if he knew he must eventually “pull back” in order “to make our own outline” by excluding and including. He even hinted that this infinite Truth (which, yes, he capitalized) could be experienced—or, more accurately, identified with: “A seeker of Truth. He will never find it. But the dimmest of possibilities—he may himself become Truth”.

P. 112

Ср. писанія В. Біона о at-one-ment with O, безконечности, эволюціи и становленіи.